Next Steps For Union Street Central Streetscape Works

The next stage of essential preparation works for the Union Street Central improvements project will start on Monday 3 June.

Site staff will begin excavating trial holes along the south side of Union Street Central for the next two weeks. These trial holes will give the team a better understanding of the areas where the new roadside gullies are to be installed.

This work will be carried out Monday-Friday between 8am and 6pm and should be competed on Friday 14 June, although they are weather dependent.

The team will be using a vacuum excavator for these works and it will be switched off when not in use to minimise any disruption. The trial holes will be securely fenced off and backfilled and resurfaced once the investigations are completed.

Once the trial holes work is completed, the site team will be erecting hoarding around the first construction area. This hoarding will be 100m long and will be erected along the south side of Union Street Central from the Market Street junction. This is expected to take place the week commencing 17 June.

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