The programme of streetscape projects will deliver improvements to the public space across the city centre and towards the beachfront.
Union Street Central Public Realm + Streetscape
The programme of Streetscape projects will deliver improvements to the public space across the city centre and towards the beachfront.
Following an options appraisal exercise in June 2022, Aberdeen City Council decided to proceed with an option which included bus and cycle access to Union Street Central. The design comprises of two lanes for public transport, taxis/private hire and time-limited servicing access, with a segregated lane for cyclists. This will allow for pavement widening, the introduction of urban greenery (more plants / trees) and potential for street occupation, e.g. outdoor seating for cafes and restraurants. Crossing points will be incorporated to facilitate easy pedestrian movement.
Street furniture will be placed adjacent to kerbs to maintain a clutter-free, safe-movement corridor for pedestrians and wheeled users. Feature paving will be used to highlight key architectural elements and buildings.
The works include new pavements with locally-sourced granite, a road surface, and cycle lanes, and will help to create a plaza entrance to the new market building.
During the works, access will continue to all shops and businesses for pedestrians, as well as access for delivery vehicles.
Construction commenced in Spring 2024
Union Street West Public Space + Streetscape
The western end of Union Street forms a gateway to the city and has seen significant commercial investment following the construction of both the Capitol and Silver Fin office buildings.
The streetscape around Union Street West will be improved through rationalising the carriageway and widening footpaths, with the opportunity to increase street greening and outdoor seating. This will maximise pedestrian space along the length of Union Street, creating appropriate settings for safe on-street activity.
The proposals will see the space within the existing streetscape reapportioned in favour of pedestrians and public transport, whilst still allowing for time-limited service vehicle access. Clutter-free plaza spaces have been proposed at key locations, such as outside the Music Hall, to celebrate the City’s rich heritage.
Union Street East Public Space + Streetscape
Union Street East’s location provides immediate links to the harbour and forms a gateway to the city when approached from the beach via Castlegate.
The Union Street East streetscape project will provide enhanced public space along Union Street from Market Street to where it joins Castle Street / the Castlegate. The proposals will see the space within the existing streetscape reapportioned in favour of pedestrians and public transport whilst still allowing for time-limited service vehicle access. Where possible, carriageways will be reduced in width to allow footways to be widened.
The proposed reapportioning of space within the street allows for the introduction of public seating at key locations along Union Street East. The proposals also include spaces for play, public art, and feature lighting. These proposals, which will be developed at the next stage of the project, will be carefully considered to ensure a consistent approach with respect to Union Street West, Central and East.
West End Public Space + Streetscape
The proposals seek to enhance the unique character of the West End to create welcoming and comfortable spaces. This will be achieved largely by reapportioning carriageway space within Rose Street, Thistle Street and Chapel Street to better respond to and service the needs of the area.
Clear, unobstructed footways will be maintained, whilst space from the carriageways will be allocated to flexible ‘service zones’ either side of these. These flexible zones within the streetscape will be designed to potentially accommodate cafe spill-out areas, accessible parking bays, taxi ranks and elements of street greening where appropriate.
Belmont Quarter Public Space and Streetscapes
Within the Belmont Street Quarter, the proposals rationalise the carriageway to allow for the permanent introduction of external sitting spaces for cafes, restaurants and bars, whilst also allowing for time-limited service vehicle access to be maintained.
Public seating will also be introduced at key locations within the streetscape which will allow for people to rest or have lunch, whilst taking in the unique character and atmosphere of the area.
Spill out spaces have been carefully curated to ensure that a degree of uniformity in keeping with the historic nature of the area is maintained throughout.
The proposals will allow for the incorporation of play, public art and feature lighting at key locations in the area. Street greening will be included in zones associated with the public seating and cafe spill out areas.
Design review is underway and will conclude in 2024.
Schoolhill and Upperkirkgate Public Space and Streetscapes
Located immediately north of the Union Street Central zone, Schoolhill and Upperkirkgate is an area of the city containing a number of landmark buildings and visitor attractions including the Kirk of St Nicholas and Aberdeen Art Gallery.
The Schoolhill and Upperkirkgate streetscape project will provide improved public space which prioritises pedestrians with an enhanced experience for walking and wheeling. Where possible, carriageway widths will be reduced to allow footways to be widened. This will extend the previous improvements around the War Memorial and Art Gallery and create a permanent space for street activities and public art at Schoolhill/Upperkirkgate.
Upperkirkgate will be pedestrianised between Harriet Street and Flourmill Lane, with a plaza space created outside the Aberdeen Art Gallery at Schoolhill. Proposals to enhance the setting of the gallery include public seating, space to allow for street spill out including external cafe space and the civic and cultural activities associated with the gallery, enhanced public space, street greening and sustainable urban drainage in the form of a rain garden.