Engagement is a key part of the design and construction process. It is an over-arching term and includes activity such as information giving, consulting, involving, collaborating & empowering.
As well as public consultation, regular engagement on all projects is undertaken with stakeholders including groups such as the Disability Equity Partnership (DEP), Aberdeen Cycle Forum, Accessible Transport Users and Providers (ACTUP), Community Councils, and business groups such as Aberdeen Inspired.
The engagement and consultation process has allowed residents and other stakeholders to help inform the direction and design of the Masterplan projects. This process is ongoing and will continue across all the projects during development and construction.
Market stakeholder meeting discusses key issues
Friday 4 October 2024
A stakeholder meeting with local businesses located around the site of new Market was held on Monday 30 September 2024 in Cheerz Bar, Hadden Street.
Also in attendance were Aberdeen City Council officers, council co-leader Councillor Ian Yuill, representatives from Morrison Construction, the main contractor for the new Market, and Hub North Scotland, who are the council’s development partner.
A number of issues were raised at the meeting, and these are outlined below along with the Aberdeen City Council responses.
Opportunities for public to have their say on Queen Street and Castlegate projects
Wednesday 28 August 2024
The public have an opportunity this week for their thoughts on the proposed Queen Street urban park and Castlegate streetscape improvements, which are part of the City Centre and Beach Master Plan (CCBMP).
Two public drop-in events are being held for the projects, which were recently approved by Aberdeen City Council’s Finance and Resources Committee.
Designs for the Queen Street urban park are currently being finalised in advance of a planning application to be submitted in September. The public can find out more about the proposals at the drop-in event tomorrow night, Thursday 29 August from 4pm to 7pm, at Aberdeen Arts Centre.
The urban park concept includes provision for outdoor seating and informal performance areas, a sensory garden, terraced garden and enhanced street greening. Each space within the new urban park will perform a range of environmental and social functions, categorised into the overarching themes of urban nature, community, heritage, and arts and culture.
The design team for the Castlegate have been tasked with progressing from concept to final design over the coming months. The project aims to re-establish Castlegate as a central civic location, providing a high-quality space that creates a destination at the end of Union Street and encourages sustainable economic activity. The concept proposals comprise public realm and streetscaping improvements including street furniture, public art, improved lighting and enhanced street greening. An active travel route for pedestrians and cyclists will be included through the Castlegate towards the beachfront, along with vehicular access for servicing businesses.
The Castlegate team are holding a drop-in event on Friday, 30 August from 5pm to 7pm, at Your Love Rara, 6-14 Justice Street, where the initial concept will be outlined and the public can share their thoughts.
Consultation for Queen Street Urban Park
Plans are progressing to create a new urban park on land at Queen Street in the City Centre, following recent approval at Aberdeen City Council’s Finance and Resources Committee.
The redevelopment of Queen Street as a whole will create the opportunity to introduce new uses into the area, as well as new public spaces. The wider project will improve the amenity of the area and encourage economic and environmental sustainability in this key City Centre location. The Council’s investment in this space also aims to help stimulate investment from surrounding private building and landowners. Options for the redevelopment of the former Police HQ are being reviewed by the Council but the urban park, which will be on the land on the other side of Queen St from the former HQ, has approval to progress.
The Council’s design team are now finalising their designs for the urban park in advance of a planning application in September. This follows several months of detailed and constructive engagement with neighbouring organisations and other stakeholders.
The urban park concept includes provision for outdoor seating and informal performance areas, a sensory garden, terraced garden and enhanced street greening. Each space within the new urban park will perform a range of environmental and social functions, categorised into the overarching themes of urban nature, community, heritage and arts and culture.
If you would like to find out more about the proposals from the design team please come along to a drop-in event on Thursday 29th August, from 4pm to 7pm, at Aberdeen Arts Centre. There will also be the opportunity to comment on the proposals when a planning application is lodged in September.
Full consultation is available to view here: Queen Street Consultation Boards
The Gulls of Aberdeen
Children and young people from Aberdeen have been working with Aberdeen City Council to bring to life the key themes from some of Aberdeen’s place-based strategies. The Aberdeen City Centre and Beach Masterplan, the Local Development Plan, the Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap and the Aberdeen Adapts Framework all set out long-term ambitions for the future of our city. Ensuring that children and young people are able to access and understand the key themes within these documents, and be able to express their views, feelings and wishes on them, has been the focus of a recent youth engagement project.
Comic books and animations introducing Dave and Sam are the output of a series of workshops during 2023 where children and young people prepared storyboard drawings, sketches and voice overs to help other children and young people understand the content of Aberdeen’s key place-based strategies, and feel encouraged and able to make comment on what is happening in their city. This is in line with Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that children should have their views considered and taken seriously on matters which affect them.
The comic books and animations will be supported by a guide for teachers and parents which will include links to how Dave and Sam can help to support elements of the Curriculum for Excellence, with the hope that other children and young people will feel able to talk about and voice their opinions on what is happening in their city.
The comic books can be found here:
The animations are on the Aberdeen City Council’s YouTube channel here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7qs4DqJPoE” data-wplink-url-error=”true”>Episode One
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwD3trQne-U” data-wplink-url-error=”true”>Episode Four
The guide for teachers and parents can be found here: (coming soon)
The strategies which inform the content of the Dave and Sam comic books and animations can be found below:
The Aberdeen City Centre and Beach Masterplan
The Local Development Plan 2023
The Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap and Aberdeen Adapts Framework
If you have any queries about this work please contact us via LDP@aberdeencity.gov.uk