The development of Aberdeen’s city centre and beach is driven by the global significance of Aberdeen as a metropolitan hub and the energy capital of Europe, but also recognises the need to ensure that the city centre serves the needs and aspirations of local people.
This Masterplan will undoubtedly enhance the prosperity of the city centre and beachfront areas, whilst improving the quality of life of those that live, work and visit. This can serve as a catalyst to increase visitor spend in Aberdeen’s retail, leisure and hospitality businesses, and could encourage more people to live in and invest in the city.
Aberdeen City Centre
The Aberdeen city centre projects will introduce streetscape improvements which will enhance the pedestrian and public transport options along with the construction of the new Aberdeen Market, which will be a major destination venue in the heart of the city with an international-style market floorspace offering food and drink outlets.
This will help regenerate and reinvigorate the city centre to create a vibrant and accessible area which will benefit businesses and citizens by creating a safer and more attractive environment which will increase footfall and boost the local economy while supporting environmental sustainability and community wellbeing.
Aberdeen Beachfront
Aberdeen beachfront is a unique area of the city and its redevelopment will create a transformational waterfront destination with strengthened active travel routes to the city centre via the Castlegate and Union Street.
These improvements will result in a world-class sport, leisure and tourism destination using an innovative landscape-led approach. The projects include a world-leading play park, a new events park, a dynamic beach park, the redevelopment of the iconic Beach Ballroom and new leisure facilities.
This people-focused environment will be inclusive for all, creating a real community asset and bringing the ‘wow’ factor back to the Beachfront.
George Street
The George Street neighbourhood is located towards the northern boundary of the Masterplan zone. George Street itself runs north to south, forming a key link between the city centre core and areas to the north of the city. The area is dominated by the Bon Accord Centre and bounded to the west by Robert Gordon’s College.
The vision for the George Street neighbourhood is to create a vibrant, city centre community at the heart of reinvention and as a place to form new connections social, cultural, economic and educational.
Proposals include embracing difference, by highlighting and celebrating variety, building on reputation, by encouraging discovery and building recognition by place branding and creating reasons to come to the area.
Queen Street
A distinct area of the city where engagement with stakeholders and the public is being used to shape its own Masterplan. The vision for the Queen Street neighbourhood is a vibrant, city
centre community at the heart of reinvention and as a place to form new connections: social, cultural, economic and educational.
An Outline Business Case was approved by Council in September 2023.
Proposals include the design of a new Urban Park to the north-west of Queen Street. This will be complemented by a full business case for the redevelopment of the former Police Scotland Headquarters on the south-east side of Queen Street.
Detailed design work will be undertaken in 2024.
The Castlegate is a key element of the overall Aberdeen City Centre and Beach Master Plan, both as an event venue and as a crucial link between Union Street and the beachfront.
Engagement is underway with local businesses and residents to inform design proposals which will include active travel measures such as cycle lanes.